Dress For Success All Year Round

Just like a prospective employer, various studies have shown that potential friends and partners will form their first opinion based on how you present. The way we dress also has enormous psychological effects on how we feel about ourselves.

We all know the expression ‘you are what you eat’. Well, it also rings true for ‘you are what you wear’. Research shows that clothing affects your behaviour.

Professor Karen Pine from the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, found specific clothing can make people more confident[1]. Similarly a group of researchers from the University of Queensland found clothes can help improve or mask emotion[2].

Burning a hole in your back pocket

While what we wear is important, it can be expensive to ensure we are looking the part at all times. According to data compiled by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, Australian’s spent some $5.1 billion on fashion in 2012. This according to Statista, an online statistics, market research and business intelligence portal, makes us the top-spending per capita country in the world when it comes to fashion.

A 2016 report by consulting firm PCI Fibres shows that our obsession with spending on the latest fashion continues, with Australians buying an average of 27 kilograms of new clothing and textiles, just behind the amount of North America’s new cothing purchase and twice the average of just 13 kilograms per person per year.

Extending the life of clothing to look your best

Miele Consultant Amanda Leach says there are a few simple tips to consider to keep garments in the best possible shape.

“The way we wash, dry, iron and store clothes can all determine how many wears we can get out of our clothes while still looking as good as the day we first purchased them,” says Ms Leach.

Treat stains fast

“First and foremost is to treat any stain immediately with the most appropriate method and stain removal agent,” she says.

“A good guide on stains, available online is Miele’s Guide to Laundry Care which helps you determine the best treatment for stains. For example, if it’s from a ballpoint pen, you could use a mixture of vinegar and white spirits, while for an oil stain, apply washing up liquid before washing in the usual way.”

Choosing the right washing cycle

When it comes to washing, Ms Leach says while many would already sort their laundry by colour, it was also advisable to consider sorting by wash temperature, fabric type and even lightly soiled from heavily soiled garments.

“The trick is to have the washing cycle reflect the load size, ensure ideal water temperatures are selected, and optimal rinse phases. It’s all about washing your clothes with minimal mechanical strain on the garment,” says Ms Leach.

Miele’s range of washing machines brings together a range of technological advancements to deliver the best cleaning results while at the same time minimising wear and tear on clothing, with features including the patented honeycomb drum that delivers a thin film of water to cushion the laundry in the drum, enabling it to glide smoothly and prevent fabric snags from occurring.

Other features available in the Miele range include the stain options function, load size recognition and automatic detergent dispensing.

Drying it right

Ms Leach says if not done correctly, drying clothes can cause shrinkage or damage.

“For best results, remove clothes from the washing machine and dry garments as soon as the wash cycle has completed. Read the label on each garment carefully and follow recommended drying procedures.”

Miele’s range of tumble dryers offer a wide range of sensor-controlled and timed drying programs with a variety of drying levels and caters to a wide range of fabrics.

The final touch

When it comes to ironing, Ms Leach recommends investing in an iron to keep the clothes looking as good as they did the day they were first purchased and minimise any potential damage to them in the process.

The Miele FashionMaster Steam Ironing System is an all-in-one system – which combines a hand iron, an intuitive active ironing table and a steam generator – and has a host of sophisticated product features and remarkably high steam pressure to ensure exceptional ironing results on virtually all textiles. It enables you to enjoy professional results from the comfort and convenience of home.


[1] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2644076/You-DRESS-Clothing-significant-effect-self-esteem-confidence-claims-expert.html

[1] http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/diet/body-confidence/how-clothes-can-boost-mood/news-story/1eb8332a8b62911a671ea6808a8e584d


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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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