Laundry Can Be A Luxurious Experience To Match Your Lifestyle
From fine lace, silk and cashmere to grass stained sports gear, Miele’s washing machines are designed to take care of the clothes you love.
Armidale-based fashion importer Michelle Bookallil uses her Miele washing machine and dryer for both work, and home.
“I purchased them after I gave birth to my third daughter. It gets very cold here and nothing dries quickly, so it was essential with three children to have a reliable and efficient washing and drying system,” she explains.
The family’s constant laundry rotation includes three sets of school uniforms, multiple sets of sports gear, a weekly wash of bed linen and towels.
“In winter it often drops to single digits here, and sometimes below zero, so being able to throw everything in the dryer is essential, not just to dry everything effectively, but to keep up with the sheer volume of laundry.”
In addition to washing for the family, Bookallil uses the Miele washing machine to launder new season collections of her fashion label Anda Unica.
“The clothes are all imported from Spain and many of the pieces are made using delicate fabrics and have hand finished flourishes,” she says.
Rather than hand washing, Bookallil uses the delicate programme on her Miele washing machine. Bookalill says she couldn’t live without her washing drying duo.
“I just press a button which has been programmed as ‘Sports Gear’ and the machine does the rest.”
Like Bookallil, mother of four, Susie Nugan has her Miele washing machine on high rotation. “We are a big rugby family with several games for several teams each week,” says Nugan. “As such there are shorts, and jumpers and multiple pairs of footy socks covered in grass stains and mud that need laundering several times a week.”
Nugan uses the ProgrammeManager memory function of her Miele washing machine to deal with the mess. “I just press a button which has been programmed as ‘Sports Gear’ and the machine does the rest.”
In addition to the family’s rugby stars, Nugan’s eldest daughter, Eliza, is studying to be a fashion designer. “Because the machine has the honeycomb drum and the steam function, it is gentle on fabrics and on Eliza’s work in progress,” says Nugan.
Fashion Publicist and mother of three Sophia Wright lives an hours drive from the nearest town on a cattle farming property, Wongwibinda, 50-kilometers outside of the town Guyra in New South Wales. “Things get pretty muddy out here. My husband Simon is a farmer, so there are overalls, trousers and jeans covered in mud, grease and manure,” she says.
Wright says that when she previously used a top loading washing machine she would have to soak every load. However, with the Miele front loader, features such as a built in Soak option, integrated Stain guide and options to adapt the wash process to suit your personal requirements, such as an Intensive wash option, guarantee exceptional results.
The isolation of the Wright’s property means that a drive to town is sometimes only a weekly occurrence. “I don’t have ready access to a dry cleaner,” says Wright.
“So the Miele washing machine is a god send. I can wash all of my silks and wool in the machine rather than driving the two-hour round trip to drop, or pick something up, at the dry cleaner.”
The washing machine’s built in TwinDos system dispenses the correct formulation of detergent to automatically deal with a family wash. Miele’s additional specialist cap dosing system also offers small portioned capsules for textiles requiring special care, such as woolen and silk clothing, and are available in packs of 10 Caps.
Interior Designer Marni Burger says that the Miele W1 washing machine with its TwinDos system and the energy efficient T1 heat-pump dryer are appreciated by her clients, whether they have a large laundry space, or virtually none.
“For small spaces, the Miele machines are ideal as they can be stacked on top of each other.”
The TwinDos built in laundry detergent is another huge benefit, with automatic dispensing removing the need to manually handle detergents and resulting in perfectly cleaned coloureds and whites, as well as minimising waste with accurate dispensing.
For large families with a lot of laundry space, Burger often positions the machines side-by-side, or builds them in under a bench.
“There is a trend towards ‘mud rooms’, large laundries used as a storage area, and as dumping ground for a number of family items.
“That means that everything from dirty laundry to gumboots to golf clubs, ends up in the laundry,” she explains.
“So I work to ensure there is lots of cabinetry with large drawers for sorting dirty washing, boxes for football and gum boots, and I’ve even designed a heated cupboard as a miniature drying room for a client for hanging woollens and shirts,” she says. “Almost everything is hidden away except the washing machine and the dryer.”
Interior Designer Marni Burger
Discover Miele’s laundry range here.