Pretzel Christmas trees
30 minutes
Preparation time
Cooking time
Makes 8


8 pretzel sticks

800 g good-quality milk chocolate

20 ml water

Silver and gold metallic edible balls


  1. Prepare a piping bag by fitting it with an 8 mm star tip, then set aside until required.
  2. Arrange the pretzel sticks on a lined baking tray, ensuring they have a lot of space around them.
  3. Temper the chocolate by placing it into a saucepan on medium-low heat, induction setting 4. Stir continuously until you have 50% solids and 50% liquid. Transfer the chocolate into a heat-proof plastic bowl and stir vigorously until the solids have completely melted.
  4. Add the water to the tempered chocolate and mix to combine. This will thicken the chocolate and help it hold its shape.
  5. Working quickly, transfer the chocolate into the prepared piping bag and pipe in a zigzag pattern starting small at the top of the pretzel sticks, gradually widening as you go to create a Christmas tree shape, leaving 20-30 mm of pretzel exposed at the bottom.
  6. Before the chocolate sets, sprinkle the surface with silver and gold edible balls.
  7. Place into the refrigerator for 15 minutes to set, then bring back to room temperature.

Hints and tips

  • The pretzels can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
  • This recipe was developed by Kirsten for her series ‘The Chocolate Queen’.


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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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