Freekeh salad with ricotta
10 minutes
Prep time
30 minutes
Cooking time
4-6 Servings


1 cup freekah
1 2/3 cup water
1 tablespoon preserved lemons, washed and diced
1 tablespoon quince paste, small diced
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
3 tablespoon Extra-Virgin olive oil
¼ cup fresh mint, chopped
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
½ cup ricotta


  1. Place the freekah into a solid steam tray, pour over the water, place into the steam oven and Steam at 100˚C for 30 minutes until just soft but still nutty. Remove and set aside to cool, do not refrigerate.
  2. Toss with preserved lemon, quince paste, add lemon juice, oil and a hand full of chopped mint.
  3. Dollop ricotta on top of freekah and serve.

Hints and tips

  • Pomegranate seeds, dried fruits, roasted vegetables, soft herbs and cheeses such fetta or goats chevre can all be used with freekah to produce a variety of delicious salads and sides.
  • The technique for cooking the freekah can be used for a variety of grains such as wild rice, barley, bulgur and quinoa.


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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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